Kiwanis Club of Lee County
Speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Lee County on July 21 is Dan McIver (right) the founder of Life Force “The Living Vision”, Inc. Pictured with McIver is Kiwanis Club of Lee President Matt Jackson.
President Matt Jackson presided over the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Lee County held at Davison’s Steaks on July 21. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Karen Hall and the invocation was given by Jackson. The project fund tickets were sold by Cleo Blue and John Payne. Happy Dollars came from Payne & Sally Porter.
President Jackson began the meeting by extending Happy Birthday wishes to Ron Minter. He then recognized Linda Battle for the member spotlight. Jackson reminded the membership of the Club’s raffle drawing on August 10 and encouraged everyone to sell their tickets. Looking ahead to football season, he said that the joint Kiwanis Pancake Supper will be September 3 at Southern Lee High prior to the game that night between Southern Lee and Lee Senior.
Battle introduced Dan McIver the founder of Life Force “The Living Vision”, Inc. and the speaker for the day. Believing that every child is born with a gift, McIver explained that the mission of LFLV helping children survive and succeed. By rewarding positive behavior Life Force is instilling in youth that if you want something you must work for it. Providing a vision for the future and the tools to get there, this program is producing productive citizens. Through the efforts of many committed people, McIver is seeing the results of this Living Vision he was called to do years ago. For more information he encouraged going to or contact him at or 913/683-5441.