Times Article - Rachael Bossow
By RACHAEL BOSSOW, Times Staff Writer Published: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:00 AM CDT (Times photo/Rachael Bossow) Dan "The Driver"...

Kiwanis Club of Lee County
Speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Lee County on July 21 is Dan McIver (right) the founder of Life Force “The Living Vision”, Inc. Pictured...
Waffle House Inc. - Letter of Appreciation
Waffle House Inc. July 24, 2010 Attn: Mr. Cannel, Unit Manager Horner Blvd Sanford, NC 27330 Subject: Letter of Support and Appreciation....

LFLV - Helping kids to survive and succeed 2008 briefing
Hi National board of LFLV of Governors (Trustees). On 27 Sept 08 LFLV and three community churches had a joint community program Called...

Sanford’s First Responders Bridge the Communication Gap in the Community
A community celebration to honor the W.B. Wicker School heritage and to acknowledge the important of the US Census count was a resounding...