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North Carolina Central Coalition (NCCC)

On August 3, 2010 NCCC (Life Force The Living Vision Inc (LFLV) and Dreams Have Wings (DHW)) participated in the Cedrow Residents’ Association,( in High Point, NC) 1st Annual Community National Night Out, The theme of the community gathering is : “Healthy Family- Healthy Children”. There was free food, free music, and free admission to this community progressive activity. While serving valuable NCCC information to the gathered community businesses at the program, a coalition was immediately formulated with one the entrepreneurs, Phillips Funeral Home of High Point, NC. This business owner saw favor in joining the North Carolina Central Coalition (NCCC). While the owner and LFLV’s CEO and LFLV’s County Director were looking at the children at play , Mr. Phillips mention the killing of a 13 year old child that his office was responsible for orchestrating specific arrangement for the family of the child. He understood the value of our precious life and the serious need to train children/ families on living in harmony to stop this senseless lost of life.

If you desire a LFLV children application contact: Dan McIver at 336 541 4579 or email You can review LFLV’s website: for more information. Remember all children application can be emailed or turned-in in-person at any of our locations. Whenever you see the flashing Green lights moving in the community NCCC is helping a child to survive and succeed. We need volunteers to help with car washes to raise money for the children we call: Knowledge Management Techie Centurions (KMTC)

A small note of interest: The University of High Point, NC has displayed awareness, reference NCCC concept of helping children to survive and succeed, It takes an Honorable community to make the necessary changes to a better life for our children to dream.

LFLV and DHW mission concept is to $$ REWARD $$ a child for positive behavior and is focused on putting the police out of the child rearing business. In this attempt to put the PO-PO out of business, several concern professional peace keepers (local law officials, Police chiefs, county Sheriffs, State troopers and a number of police officers in Greensboro, NC) have basically stated that: “if you can put me out of the child rearing business, I will do what ever I can to help you, put me out of business”. LFLV and DHW provide a Structured Discipline Platform (SDP) and an orchestrated reward program that monitors the child 24/7, 365 days a year. The child is focused on doing good things all day as a means of receiving his /her Working Vision Goals (WVG).

The Family members are trained to be honorable LFLV /DHW parents and are $$ rewarded $$ for their honorable participation through a system called “Service in Kind” (SIK). Military personnel (Active and Retired) and First Responders will provide instructional guidance to all who desire to improve their opportunities and cultivate their natural given gifts (aptitude). Do not let perfect be the enemy of good. A man or woman have never stood so tall until they stoop down and help a child to succeed We have to step out of our complacency attire, and become a “Mr. and Mrs. One No Body” (the community hero) and reach down into the quagmire of society to give a helping hand to a child. A man or woman have never stood so tall; until they stoop down to help a child.

Folks, when you see the energetic flashing green lights moving in your community, it means that LFLV is on the job, nurturing children to become all that they can be! LFLV and DHW will create thousands of self-employed entrepreneurs in the honorable communities that it has the opportunity to serve.

For more information, Call 336 541-4579 or visit our web site: or email us at: Let’s Get-ER- Done! -- Let’s Get-ER- Done!

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